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Digital Greece

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)  The percentage of Greek adolescents that had regular daily or weekly use of a computer reached 88.2% in the first quarter of 2008, while the percentage of children using the Internet totalled 71.7%, the National Statistics Service said on Monday. In a report on the use of information technology and communications by Greek households in 2008, the statistics service said the percentage of adolescents aged 12-15 years with access to the Internet totalled 84.9% in the first three months of 2008. The majority of the same age group that used either a computer or had access to the Internet, were based in their schools or their homes. Access rates from other areas, Internet cafes, public libraries, cultural and athletic clubs, reached 23.5% for computer use and 28.3% for Internet access. Commission of the European Communities: Country Profiles – Greece  (p.25) ; Information Society in Greece: Digital Strategy (2006 – 2013); Ministry of Economy and Finance: Fact Sheet on “Digital Greece” ; Greek News Agenda: Digital Greece: A Leap Forward 

Open Access in Greece

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)       The National Documentation Center (EKT) of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) is holding a two-day international conference “Open Access Infrastructures: The Future of Scientific Communication,” in Athens (15-16.12).  Open Access (www.openaccess.gr) is an initiative of the academic and research community for free, immediate and permanent online access to digital scientific content. It aims to facilitate the exchange of scientific information and utilize research results. Electronic scientific journals are freely accessible online and follow peer-review procedures, while authors are able to retain copyrights. They emerge either through traditional publishing houses, or through the open access publishing procedures, or even through the use of new publishing schemes.  The EKT develops national open access infrastructures for the organisation and dissemination of scientific knowledge, under the project “National Information System for Research and Technology-Phase III, 3rd CSF” which includes Helios- National Hellenic Research Foundation Repository, Humanities and Health Sciences Thematic Repositories, as well as National Archive of PhD Theses Repository

Open Access to Academic Information in Athens

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)      An international conference entitled “Open access infrastructures: the future of scientific communication” will take place on December 15 – 16 in Athens. Adapting the educational system to the needs of the digital age, the conference organised by the National Documentation Centre of the Hellenic Research Foundation, aims to present recent trends in open access infrastructure both in Greece and worldwide as well as to depict the future of scholarly communication in the field of dissemination of information concerning research results. The conference is part of the National Information System on Research and Technology project (phase III), as part of the “Information Society” Programme. Information Society: The “Information Society” Operational Programme & Equipping and networking schools and universities