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Warsaw East European Conference 2010, 12-15 Ιουλίου – Ελληνική συμμετοχή

Το 7ο Συνέδριο Ανατολικής Ευρώπης (Warsaw East European Conference 2010) πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Βαρσοβία από τις 12 έως τις 15 Ιουλίου.
Θέμα του Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου: «Πού βρισκόμαστε; Πρώην κομμουνιστικές χώρες και χώρες της πρώην Σοβιετικής Ένωσης μετά από 20 χρόνια» και διοργανωτής το Κέντρο Ανατολικο-ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών του Πανεπιστημίου της Βαρσοβίας.
Σκοπός του συνεδρίου, που πραγματοποιείται για έβδομη χρονιά, ήταν η προσπάθεια να δοθεί απάντηση στο ερώτημα: «ποιά είναι η κατάσταση των χωρών του πρώην Ανατολικού μπλοκ, είκοσι σχεδόν χρόνια μετά την ανεξαρτησία τους και τριάντα χρόνια μετά την ίδρυση της “Solidarnosc” στην Πολωνία το 1980;».
Σύμφωνα με το πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου, επιχειρήθηκε η ανάλυση της τρέχουσας κατάστασης σε όλους τους τομείς που σχετίζονται με την κοινωνική και πολιτική ζωή, όπως οι αλλαγές στην οικονομία, το νομικό σύστημα, οι διεθνείς σχέσεις, καθώς και η νοοτροπία των κατοίκων, οι μεταβολές στον πολιτισμό, στην καθημερινή ζωή και στις κοινές αντιλήψεις. Το ενδιαφέρον εστιάστηκε, επίσης, σε γεγονότα της πρόσφατης ιστορίας της περιοχής, τα οποία είχαν καθοριστική επίδραση στη διαμόρφωση της σύγχρονης κατάστασης, τουλάχιστον ως προς τις πιο κυρίαρχες αντιλήψεις.
Η προσέγγιση των πολιτών των έξι χωρών-μελών της Ανατολικής Εταιρικής Σχέσης στην ΕΕ και η ανταλλαγή εμπειριών που σχετίζονται με τις μεταρρυθμίσεις των τοπικών κυβερνήσεων, ήταν μεταξύ των κυριότερων θεμάτων του συνεδρίου, στο οποίο συμμετείχαν 50 επιστήμονες από όλον τον κόσμο και πολιτικοί από την Πολωνία και τις χώρες της Ανατολικής Ευρώπης.
Στο πλαίσιο του συνεδρίου, διεξήχθη η Σύνοδος της Ανατολικής Εταιρικής Σχέσης, στην οποία συμμετείχαν επίσημες αντιπροσωπείες των έξι χωρών-μελών της Ανατολικής Εταιρικής Σχέσης (Αρμενία, Αζερμπαϊτζάν, Γεωργία, Μολδαβία, Ουκρανία και Λευκορωσία), αξιωματούχοι του Πολωνικού Υπουργείου Εξωτερικών και βουλευτές.
Η Σύνοδος πραγματοποιήθηκε στις 15 Ιουλίου στην Πολωνική Βουλή και είχε ως στόχο την οικοδόμηση μόνιμων σχέσεων ανάμεσα στην Πολωνική Βουλή και τα Κοινοβούλια των έξι χωρών-μελών της Ανατολικής Εταιρικής Σχέσης.
Η Ανατολική Εταιρική Σχέση δημιουργήθηκε με πρωτοβουλία της Πολωνίας και της Σουηδίας και στόχο την ενίσχυση της συνεργασίας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης με την Αρμενία, το Αζερμπαϊτζάν, την Γεωργία, τη Μολδαβία, την Ουκρανία και τη Λευκορωσία. Δεν προσβλέπει στην ένταξη των έξι παραπάνω χωρών στην ΕΕ, αλλά έχει έναν ευρύτερο στόχο, την ενσωμάτωση των χωρών αυτών στην ευρωπαϊκή οικονομία και το ευρωπαϊκό δίκαιο.
Στο συνέδριο συμμετείχε ο Γεώργιος Κοϊνάς, υποψήφιος διδάκτορας του Πανεπιστημίου της Βαρσοβίας, όπου διδάσκει ελληνική γλώσσα (Σχολή Ανατολικών Γλωσσών του Κέντρου Ανατολικών-Ευρωπαϊκών Σπουδών). Θέμα της ανακοίνωσής του, «Το Ρωσικό Προξενείο στα Χανιά ως τοπική διπλωματική αντιπροσωπεία – Ιστορία και Πολιτική».
Ο ομιλητής αναφέρθηκε στην ίδρυση και τη λειτουργία του Ρωσικού Προξενείου στην Κρήτη στη διάρκεια του 19ου αιώνα και ανέλυσε την πολιτική του Προξενείου σε σχέση με το Κρητικό Ζήτημα, τόσο σε τοπικό όσο και σε διεθνές επίπεδο.
Ιδιαίτερη αναφορά έγινε στην περίοδο της Κρητικής Πολιτείας, δηλαδή του αυτόνομου κράτους που εγκαθιδρύθηκε υπό την προστασία των Μεγάλων Δυνάμεων, μεταξύ αυτών και η Ρωσία. Η παρουσία των ρωσικών στρατιωτικών δυνάμεων στο νησί αύξησε την επιρροή του Ρωσικού Προξενείου, το οποίο λειτούργησε ως ο συντονιστής των τοπικών Αρχών της αυτόνομης Κρήτης με τους ρώσους στρατιωτικούς αξιωματούχους που έδρευαν στο νησί.

Greece will defend its sovereign rights

The Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs issued announcements concerning the sea surveys conducted by “Piri Reis,” a Turkish naval research ship in an area between the Greek island of Kastellorizo and Cyprus.
The Greek Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the “Piri Reis surveys an area outside Greek territorial waters, however, Athens has claimed the rights to potential undersea mineral and fossil fuel deposits.”
National Defence Minister Evangelos Venizelos said that “Athens is watching closely” and that “in any case, Greece will defend its sovereign rights.”
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Differences with Turkey     [PHOTO]: Kastellorizo

New OSCE PA President: Petros Efthymiou

Ruling PASOK party deputy Petros Efthymiou was elected as the new president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), during the forum’s 19th annual session.
Efthymiou, who was a Vice-President in the Assembly, was elected with 130 votes, against 64 of Senator Consiglio Di Nino (Canada).
Participants at the 19th session discussed a wide range of issues, amongst which the situation in Kyrgyzstan, the Parliamentary Assembly’s involvement in the Corfu process, the peace process in the Middle East, nuclear security, cyber-crime.

Άρθρο της “Καθημερινής” για τα Γραφεία Τύπου Εξωτερικού

Η φωνή μας στο εξωτερικό

Tου Σταύρου Tζίμα

Στις αρχές της εβδομάδας οι ακόλουθοι Tύπου των ελληνικών πρεσβειών προχώρησαν σε σαρανταοχτάωρη απεργία διαμαρτυρόμενοι για «την υποβάθμιση της σημασίας προβολής της εθνικής μας εικόνας στο εξωτερικό», όπως σημείωναν στο σχετικό δελτίο Τύπου. Δεν έκλεισαν δρόμους, δεν προέβησαν σε καταλήψεις πρεσβειών ή του ΥΠΕΞ, ούτε έκαναν φασαρία στα τηλεπαράθυρα, ώστε να αναγκάσουν την κυβέρνηση να μην προχωρήσει στο κλείσιμο ενός σημαντικού αριθμού εξ αυτών, για λόγους λιτότητας.
Οσοι δημοσιογραφήσαμε εκτός συνόρων ξέρουμε τι σημαίνει η παρουσία αυτών των ανθρώπων στις πρεσβείες μας για τη χώρα μας, σε μια περίοδο που πασχίζει να περισώσει ό,τι έχει απομείνει από το διεθνές της κύρος. Γιατί τα Γραφεία Τύπου επιτελούν ένα σημαντικό ρόλο στη διεθνή προβολή της χώρας, με ελάχιστα κατ’ ουσίαν μέσα, αλλά με στελέχη-απόφοιτους του Τμήματος Ακολούθων Τύπου της Εθνικής Σχολής Δημόσιας Διοίκησης, οι οποίοι συνδυάζουν μέσα από την εκπαίδευσή τους γνώσεις τόσο της διπλωματίας και διεθνών σχέσεων όσο και σύγχρονης επικοινωνίας.
Αυτοί με τις διασυνδέσεις τους στα ΜΜΕ φροντίζουν να τροφοδοτούν θετική δημοσιότητα και να αποτρέπουν αρνητικά δημοσιεύματα που διαμορφώνουν ανθελληνικό κλίμα. Με τα καθημερινά reports και τις πολύτιμες πληροφορίες τους, όπως αποδείχθηκε σε κρίσιμες στιγμές, βοηθούν την εξωτερική πολιτική, αλλά και την ασφάλεια της χώρας. Ποιος δεν θυμάται ότι τη νύχτα των Ιμίων, όταν η χώρα βρέθηκε στα πρόθυρα πολεμικής σύρραξης ήταν το Γραφείο Τύπου στην στην Αγκυρα που ενημέρωσε την Αθήνα ότι Τούρκοι κομάντος κατέλαβαν τη βραχονησίδα;
Δεν γνωρίζω πόσα χρήματα θα εξοικονομήσει η κυβέρνηση, καταργώντας δεκατέσσερα από τα σαράντα ένα γραφεία, σίγουρα όμως θα στερήσει τις διπλωματικές αρχές από ένα πολύτιμο, σύγχρονο εργαλείο που απευθύνεται όχι μόνο στις κυβερνήσεις, αλλά, κυρίως στην κοινή γνώμη της κάθε χώρας.
Αλλα κράτη, με πρώτες τις ΗΠΑ αλλά και την Τουρκία, εντάσσουν τη δημόσια διπλωματία στις δομές τους ως σύγχρονη πρακτική της διπλωματίας του 21ου αιώνα για την ανάδειξη του ρόλου τους και την εξυπηρέτηση των εθνικών τους συμφερόντων. Θα περίμενε κανείς ότι ο τομέας της επικοινωνιακής μας πολιτικής στο διεθνές περιβάλλον θα αναβαθμιζόταν με επαναπροσδιορισμό στόχων, καλύτερη χρησιμοποίηση του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού και γενικότερη αναδιοργάνωση ακόμα και με τη συγκρότηση αυτοτελούς υπηρεσίας υπαγόμενης απευθείας στο ΥΠΕΞ, αντίστοιχης με αυτής των ΗΠΑ, με σκοπό τη μεγιστοποίηση των αποτελεσμάτων και τη μείωση της σπατάλης πόρων. Επιχειρείται, δυστυχώς, το αντίθετο. Η προβαλλόμενη άποψη που θέλει τον ρόλο των Γραφείων Τύπου του Εξωτερικού υποβαθμισμένο λόγω των τεχνολογικών και επικοινωνιακών εξελίξεων στο πλαίσιο της παγκοσμιοποίησης και του φαινομένου του «παγκόσμιου χωριού» είναι μάλλον παραπλανητικό.
(Καθημερινή, 2/7/2010)

Greece assumes BSEC chairmanship

Greece has assumed, the rotating chairmanship of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) organisation, at a special ceremony, during the 22nd meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs , held in Sofia, Bulgaria on May 28.
“It is our objective to establish the Greek Chairmanship-in-Office of the BSEC as a turning point for the entire region towards Green Development.
Its central theme will be Black Sea turns Green,” Deputy Foreign Minister Spyros Kouvelis stressed in his address to the meeting upon the assumption of the chairmanship.
He also noted that the emphasis on “green development” will highlight the comparative advantages of the Black Sea region in terms of environmental protection, culture, tourism, alternative energy sources and new technologies. 
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization

New era in Greek-Turkish relations

» High Level Cooperation

Premier George Papandreou and Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan expressed their will to take important steps towards the improvement of Greek-Turkish relations, as the Turkish leader wrapped up an official visit to Athens on Saturday.
This was sealed with the opening session of the Greece-Turkey High Level Cooperation Council and the signing of 21 agreements.
George Papandreou met with the chiefs of Turkish media, while Erdogan with the chiefs of the Greek newspapers.
The Greek premier told Turkish journalists that Erdogan’s visit heralds a new era in Greek-Turkish relations, further adding that the two sides had better overcome their differences. He also touched on economic cooperation between Athens and Ankara.

» “We have an agreement”

Twenty-one cooperation agreements in fields as diverse as technology and tourism were signed during the Turkey-Greece High Level Cooperation Council.
Ministers signed agreements boosting trade, investments and shipping and the two countries will hereby extend their cooperation in projects concerning infrastructure works and transnational transport networks.
Relations between the two countries in the field of immigration will be governed by a bilateral agreement which provides for readmission of illegal immigrant flows to Turkey and cooperation in the fight against organized crime, trafficking and civil protection.
Both sides agreed to improve tourism cooperation, aiming at increasing their market share in countries with economic potential such as China, as well as raising global awareness on matters of cultural heritage protection.

Special attention was given to education and synergies concerning research. Environment protection and joint ventures in energy projects including renewable energy sources and the existing Turkey- Greece-Italy gas pipeline were also sealed with respective deals.
In terms of strengthening bilateral ties,  a Joint Political Declaration on the establishment of the High Level Cooperation Council as well as a Protocol on regular political consultations between the two countries’ foreign ministries were signed.

» Signing the Olympic Truce

Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan concluded on Saturday his landmark visit to Athens by signing the Olympic Truce initiative.

At a brief ceremony in front of the imposing Panathenaic Stadium, Erdogan referred to the “great honour in signing my name in this book; to put my signature for a world of peace.”
Papandreou said that Turkey’s support for the idea sends out a clear message “by Turkey and Greece to the world,” adding that Greece will actively support Istanbul’s bid to host the 2020 Olympic Games.

OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Alternate Defence Minister Panos Beglitis will inaugurate the OSCE’s Forum for Security Co-operation with an address at the Organisation’s headquarters in Vienna today.
Greece assumes the rotating chairmanship for the first four months of 2010.
The Forum constitutes the OSCE’s autonomous political and military body, and deals with issues of the so-called “tough security”, with its own Presidency, that alternates in alphabetical order every four months, as well with its own “Troika,” which functions in a coordinating manner.

“Είδωλα κρατών”:Δημόσια Διπλωματία, Εθνική Ταυτότητα και Εικόνα

eidola.kratonΗ τριμηνιαία επιθεώρηση ¨Διεθνής και Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική“  κυκλοφόρησε με ειδικό αφιέρωμα στη Δημόσια Διπλωματία (τεύχος 16). Το ειδικό αφιέρωμα υπό τον τίτλο ¨Είδωλα Κρατών¨ επιμελείται ο Βασίλης Καπετανγιάννης.
Το αφιέρωμα περιλαμβάνει 9 κείμενα υπό τις ενότητες ¨Διαχείριση Εθνικής Ταυτότητας¨, ¨Κύπρος και Ελλάδα¨ και ¨Απόψεις και Θέσεις¨. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε το κείμενο του Σταύρου Σταθουλόπουλου: Η Ελληνική Δημόσια Διπλωματία – Προβλήματα και Επιλογές
Δείτε τους τίτλους των κειμένων του αφιερώματος:
Βασίλης Καπετανγιάννης (Εισαγωγή): Δημόσια Διπλωματία, Εθνική Ταυτότητα και Εικόνα
Συνέντευξη με τον Αντώνη Λιάκο: H Eλληνική Eμπειρία, Aποτύπωση της Παγκόσμιας Ιστορίας
Ανδρέας Μακρής: Η πολιτική διάσταση του «Nation Branding» και η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας
Μαρία Φωλά: Η Ελλάδα ως Brand: Το παρελθόν, το παρόν και το μέλλον
Ελένη Τζουμάκα: Η Ελληνική Πρόταση Πολιτισμού
Λαμπρινή Κολτσίδα: Οι Νεοελληνικές Σπουδές στο Εξωτερικό
Keith Dinnie & Μαρία Φωλά: Κύπρος – Ένα νησί με άπειρες δυνατότητες. Αγαπήστε το!
Νίκος Βλαχάκης: Δημόσια Διπλωματία της Ελλάδας στη ΝΑ Ευρώπη και Τουρκία
Έφη Παπαχρήστου: Δημόσια Διπλωματία – Νέο επιστημονικό πεδίο
Σταύρος Σταθουλόπουλος: Η Ελληνική Δημόσια Διπλωματία – Προβλήματα και επιλογές
Eπιθεώρηση “Διεθνής και Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική”: ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΣΥΝΔΡΟΜΗΣ

The OSCE on a new path

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Political Declaration Adopted

Foreign ministers from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 56 participating states charted the way ahead for the OSCE-anchored debate on the future of European security known as the Corfu Process in a decision and a Ministerial Declaration adopted yesterday after a two-day Ministerial Council held in Athens (December 1-2).
“The Corfu Process will be taken forward by our Permanent Representatives to the OSCE in Vienna, in accordance with the decision we are adopting today.
We remain committed to provide strong political impetus to the Corfu Process, and we are looking forward to reassessing its progress in 2010, in the format and level that we will deem appropriate, taking into consideration the results we achieve,” it is stated in the Declaration, which is the first to be adopted since 2002.
Athens Ministerial Council (dedicated webpage)

» Turning a New Page

Commenting on the Ministerial Council at a press conference, held at the end of the meeting, Greek Prime Minister and Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman-in-Office George Papandreou referred to a new page in the Organisation’s history.
“We have committed ourselves in a joint document on how to face common challenges,” he said noting that, Kazakhstan’s task -which is assuming the Presidency of the OSCE for the next year-, is difficult.
But as the Greek premier stressed, “we proved today that if we want we can. The process can revive political dialogue and the tangible result was consensus.”


» Meeting with Russian FM

The strategic nature of Greek-Russian relations and their excellent level was reaffirmed during a meeting in Athens on Wednesday between Prime Minister George Papandreou and visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, held on the sidelines of the OSCE Council in Athens.Papandreou accepted a formal invitation to visit Moscow in early 2010.

Papandreou and Lavrov discussed bilateral relations in all sectors, ranging from energy to culture and from regional cooperation to relations with the EU and NATO, and signed a 2010-2012 joint action plan to be renewed every two years.

» Meeting with Turkish FM

Prime Minister George Papandreou also met with visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, with both sides citing closer cooperation in all levels.
The potential for the adoption of practical measures to boost cooperation of the foreign ministers of Greece and Turkey in 2010 was also discussed at the meeting. Davutoglu spoke positively of Greece’s target for the EU integration of the western Balkans in 2014, and he confirmed Turkey’s intent for closer bilateral cooperation.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Bilateral Relations Greece- Turkey

OSCE Ministerial Council in Athens

» Papoulias Inaugurates OSCE Meeting

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) President of the Hellenic Republic Karolos Papoulias inaugurated yesterday the 17th Ministerial Council of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), taking place in Athens (1-2/12).
Papoulias welcomed delegates from the OSCE’ s 56 member states and described the international meeting as “an important political event and an opportunity to strengthen peaceful cooperation and promote the common goals of the member states, in order to reach tangible and substantive conclusions.”

» Papandreou’ s Address

The Corfu Process needs to be taken a step further in order to meet the challenges to European security in the 21st century, OSCE chairman-in-office, Greece’s Prime minister and Foreign minister George Papandreou stressed, addressing the first plenary session of the organisation’s 17th ministerial council.
“We have to agree on important decisions in the next two days to strengthen co-operative security across the OSCE area, to shape the work of our organization, and to create a strong foundation for Kazakhstan to build upon as it assumes the OSCE Chairmanship on January 1,” Papandreou said.
He also expressed his hope that a constructive spirit will prevail during the two-day deliberations of the meeting.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Speech of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Greece Papandreou, to the 1st Plenary session of the 17th OSCE Ministerial Council
See also Project Syndicate: Renewing Europe’s Security Dialogue by George Papandreou

» Sideline Meetings

On the sidelines of the OSCE ministerial council, Papandreou met with the foreign ministers of Finland, Alexander Stubb and Kazakhstan, Kanat Saudabayev, who together form the current OSCE “troika.”
Alternate foreign minister Dimitris Droutsas had a meeting with FYROM’s FM Antonio Milososki while the premier is scheduled to meet today with the foreign ministers of Russia and Turkey, Sergei Lavrov and Ahmet Davutoglou respectively.
At the end of the first day of meetings, the Greek OSCE chairmanship hosted a formal reception for the visiting diplomatic delegations at the Acropolis Museum.

OSCE Meeting begins

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Forty-five foreign ministers and 57 high-level delegations from the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) participating states have gathered in Athens to discuss the future of European security as the organisation’s 17th Ministerial Council begins today (1.12).
Representing the Greek OSCE Chairmanship, Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas, told journalists yesterday – at a reception held at the New Acropolis Museum – that the meeting comes at a critical moment, and underlined the importance of a co-operative approach to address European security’s challenges.
A video of the opening and closing sessions as well as the concluding conference, can be viewed here.

Ahead of OSCE Ministerial Meeting

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) In a press conference held on the premises of Greece’s Permanent Mission to the OSCE in Vienna, Ambassador Mara Marinaki set out the Greek chairmanship’s goals for the organisation’s 17th Ministerial Council meeting (December 1-2).   The Council will review the progress achieved on a number of OSCE’s engagements, including the progress on the so called “frozen conflicts” (Georgia Moldova, Nagorno-Karabakh). The Greek Chairmanship will then seek the adoption of a common declaration.  Marinaki pointed out the difficulty of such a venture, given that decisions are taken unanimously and that last time a common declaration was adopted by all OSCE members was in 2002 (10th Meeting of the Ministerial Council, Porto).  Answering questions by the press, Marinaki noted that all OSCE members support the Greek chairmanship’s efforts as well as the promotion of the “Corfu agenda.” 
The Ministerial Council is the central decision-making and governing body of the 56-member Organisation, hosted by the country which holds the annually rotating chairmanship of the organization.

Greek-Russian Talks ahead of OSCE Meet

Greek Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas and Russian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Vladimir Titov

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas on Thursday had a working lunch with Russian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Vladimir Titov (right), who is visiting Athens.
The two men earlier discussed matters of bilateral cooperation within the field of the Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) pact and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Droutsas is expected to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during the works of the OSCE ministerial meeting that will take place in Athens at the beginning of December.
According to the Greek foreign ministry, the role of Greece in European energy security will receive special attention in the forthcoming Greek-Russian talks of December.

Greek Prime Minister’s First Trip Abroad

» In Istanbul

On his first trip abroad to attend the informal meeting of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Istanbul, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister George Papandreou, held talks, on October 9, with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglou and discussed all issues concerning Greek-Turkish relations. Papandreou pointed out to Erdogan that, “we have proved that we want good relations with Turkey and we support its European course,” adding however, that “Turkey must also take the steps that Europe requires so that its accession course can move forward.” Earlier, in a message to the Turkish people, Papandreou had stressed that they “know that I am always honest with them. Honest and open in the positive prospects we have in cooperating, but also honest in talking about the real problems we still have between our two countries.” Regarding Cyprus, the prime minister said that a solution should be found -a just, European solution for a unified Cyprus, free of dependencies on its motherlands, free of occupation troops, divisions and walls that have no place in the European Union.

Regarding bilateral relations, the PM said that the two countries must respect borders and territorial integrity and this would be the basis of a durable and strong good neighbourly relationship. Papandreou made these statements during his meeting with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who, according to the premier with his wisdom and action has promoted Orthodoxy worldwide, championing objectives such as protection of the environment and ecology.

» OSCE CiO Welcomes Turkey-Armenia Accords

The Chairman-in-Office of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Greece’s premier and foreign minister George Papandreou welcomed the signing of an agreement between Armenia and Turkey for the normalisation of their relations, which was signed on October 10, following months of Swiss-mediated talks.

» SEECP Meeting: A roadmap for Accession

Addressing the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) informal meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Istanbul, Prime Minister and FM George Papandreou stressed that the Southeastern Europe and the Balkans can contribute to a new dynamic in Europe.

“A new dynamic in enlarging the European Union […] and creating a socially just Europe […] with a greater role in the world.” Papandreou said that a revised version of the so-called Thessaloniki Agenda – the basis of the Greek Presidency in the EU in 2003 – and a roadmap for accession of the rest of the Western Balkans with a specific date can contribute to this process.  Ministry of Foreign Affairs: PM and FM Papandreou’s speech at the informal meeting of FMs

Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic to Washington Meets Obama

Obama---Kaskarelis1(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)  Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic Vassilis Kaskarelis presented on July 20 his credentials to the President of the United States Barack Obama.  In his remarks, Ambassador Kaskarelis stressed that the two countries have often found themselves fighting shoulder-to-shoulder and waging concerted efforts for the common causeand, expressed his conviction that there exists ample room for further cementing our friendship and our strategic partnership.  US President Barack Obama said he was looking forward to working closely with the new ambassador to deepen the already close relations between the countries, and remarked that “Greece and the United States share a long history of friendship based on common values, common goals, and mutual commitment to democracy and freedom.”  The US President laid particular emphasis on Greece’s Chairmanship of the OSCE, remarking that “as a fellow member of the OSCE, we are grateful for Greece’s able leadership as OSCE 2009 Chairman-in Office.”  Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Bilateral Greece-USA

Greek FM Tours Caucasus

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)  Foreign Minister and Chairperson of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Dora Bakoyannis began a tour of the Caucasus yesterday, specifically in Azerbaijan and Armenia. In statements after a number of meetings in Azerbaijan, the first stop of her tour, Bakoyannis said that her visit was aimed at “strengthening bilateral relations and contributing to a settlement of the long-lasting problem Nagorno-Karabakh problem, by intensifying efforts made for many years by OSCE.”  Bakoyannis said that they focused on energy cooperation and pipelines. “Our goal is to bring Azerbaijani natural gas to Europe via the Turkey- Greece– Italy (TGI) pipeline,” the foreign minister stressed. Referring to the currently “frozen” Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that has a direct impact on stability in southern Caucasus, Bakoyannis stressed that the Greek OSCE chairmanship is intensifying efforts that are underway for years for the solution of the thorny issue.Today the minister is in Armenia. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Statements of FM Bakoyannis following her meeting with her Azeri counterpart Mammadyarov (Baku, 2.7.09) & Statements following her meeting with her Armenian counterpart Edward Nalbandian (Yerevan, 3.7.2009); Bilateral Relations Greece-Azerbaijan& Greece-Armenia; Greek News Agenda: FM on Nagorno-Karabakh

Bakoyannis at OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)  Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis visited Lithuania on June 30, on the occasion of the 18the annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.   Speaking before the Assembly, Bakoyannis focused on three issues: the need to take the OSCE forward in the economic and environmental dimension; the objective of building lasting stability and security in Georgia; the process of launching a new high-level dialogue on European security.  In Lithuania, Bakoyannis also held bilateral talks with the political leadership of the country (photo), who expressed support for the “Corfu Process” launched last weekend. The minister will visit two of the OSCE’s most important missions in Baku and Yerevan today.

International Meetings in Corfu

Corfu Process Launched
ministerialsummit1The informal meeting of OSCE foreign ministers on the Greek island of Corfu concluded yesterday (28.6) with the launch of the “Corfu Process” to tackle European security challenges with concrete steps to restore confidence and prepare the ground for the ministers’ next meeting in Athens in December. “We have agreed on the need for an open, sustained, wide-ranging and inclusive dialogue on security and concurred that the OSCE is a natural forum to anchor this dialogue, because it is the only regional organization bringing together all states from Vancouver to Vladivostok on an equal basis,” said Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Dora Bakoyannis.
Karamanlis’ Address 
KaramanlisAddressing the informal ministerial meeting Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis noted that “[…] history teaches us that crises are often the springboards for improvement. The Chinese word for crisis is made of two characters: one means danger, the other means opportunity. We have to grasp the opportunity; we have to overcome the danger. As he stressed, Greece is convinced that a sincere, inclusive and open-ended dialogue is the first step in order to restore confidence and trust among the participating states and enhance the collective capacity to solve old problems and address new challenges. Karamanlis underlined the significance of the Corfu meetings, noting that it was a big success of Greece’s foreign policy.
NATO-Russia Council
nato-russia1(1)Twenty-nine foreign ministers of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) also gathered on Corfu on June 27 – the first high-level meeting between the two sides since the crisis in Georgia, last summer- to review the current state of relations and discuss the way forward for the Council. The ministers agreed to open the door for renewing military cooperation in the framework of the NRC.  The meeting was chaired by the outgoing NATO secretary general Jaap de Hoop Scheffer who said afterwards that “the NRC which has been in the neutral stand for almost a year, is now back in gear.”  There are still “fundamental differences” between the Alliance and Russia on the Caucasus issues, […], though they do not constitute a reason for discontinuation of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) talks on a broad range of security threats, he said. On his part, Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov called for a return to the founding principles of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) and said that the Council convened after a long time, with positive results and a sincere exchange of views. On Russia’s decisions regarding the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Lavrov said that they were “irreversible,” but added that the meeting had been useful in averting new clashes.
Bilateral Meetings
HPA -GREECEOn the sidelines of the Corfu meetings, Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis met with US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg.  They spoke of a “new air” in Greece-US relations and signed two accords: a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and a cooperation agreement on tackling serious crime, which pave the way to Greece’s inclusion in the US Visa Waiver Programme. Karamanlis also had a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi on the sidelines of the NATO-Russia meeting, and the two leaders discussed illegal migration, the establishment of an EU coastguard, Greek-Italian cooperation in the energy sector, with the focus on the Turkey-Greece-Italy natural gas pipeline and the South Stream natural gas pipeline. Furthermore, Bakoyannis met for the first time with her Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Bilateral Relations Greece – USA & Greece – Italy

Greece / Corfu High-Level Meetings

oscehellas(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) The Greek Chairmanship of the OSCE is hosting an informal meeting of OSCE foreign ministers on June 27 and June 28, on the Greek island of Corfu.  The Corfu ministerial meeting will bring together all 56 participating states to the same table for a dialogue related to security in Europe and OSCE’s role. Corfu will also play host to the NATO-Russia Council meeting -the first one since the crisis in Georgia last summer- scheduled to take place on June 27. The meeting will focus on revitalizing the Council with the objective of developing its activities and improving NATO-Russian relations.  Among those attending the meetings will be the Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, Javier Solana, the EU Commissioner on External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the Secretaries General of  NATO and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The US delegation will be headed by Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg and the Russian by FM Sergey Lavrov.

OSCE Greek Chairmanship

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)  The Greek OSCE Chairmanship and the OSCE Mission to Moldova held a two day seminar on “Confidence and Security-Building Measures” from June 21 until June 22 in Austria.  The seminar discussed a package of measures concerning the resolution of the Transdniestria conflict in Moldova with the participation of experts and political representatives from the OSCE, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, the EU and the USA.  The participants engaged in a productive and useful dialogue and reached understanding on a number of issues, underlining the important role of the OSCE in this respect.