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International Conference “”More Europe” in and outside the EU. What role can culture play?” (Warsaw, 19/11/2012)

19 listopada 2012 (poniedziałek), godz. 9:30 – 20:00
Warszawa, Centrum Nauki Kopernik, Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20  

19 November 2012 (Monday), 9:30 am – 8:00 pm
Warsaw, Copernicus Science Center, Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20 

”MORE EUROPE” to obywatelska inicjatywa kulturalna, której celem jest podkreślenie i wzmocnienie roli kultury w relacjach zewnętrznych UE. Obecna edycja debaty ”More Europe“ odbywa się w stolicy największego kraju spośród tak zwanych „nowych członków“ UE. Polska, aktywnie współpracując w dziedzinie kultury z krajami spoza Unii, zwłaszcza z państwami Partnerstwa Wschodniego, pełni rolę „mostu“ pomiędzy Zachodem a Wschodem, także w obszarze polityki i gospodarki, kładąc jednocześnie szczególny nacisk na wzmocnienie społeczeństwa obywatelskiego przez kulturę. Debata dotyczyć będzie głównie sposobu, w jaki kultura może wspierać budowę europejskiej tożsamości kulturowej w oparciu o społeczeństwo obywatelskie wewnątrz i na zewnątrz UE; struktur do tego potrzebnych; a także sposobu, w jaki artyści i artystki oraz organizacje pozarządowe spoza UE, widzą te kwestie.

 “MORE EUROPE” is a civic cultural initiative that seeks to highlight and reinforce the role of culture in the external relations of the European Union. This edition of More Europe takes place in the capital of Poland, the biggest country among the so called “new” EU Member States and a very active player in the field of cultural co-operation with countries outside the European Union, notably the Eastern Partnership area. Poland acts as a “bridge” between the West and the East in terms of politics, the economy and culture, and puts special emphasis on strengthening civil societies through culture. The Warsaw debate will focus on ways in which culture can contribute to the development of a European cultural identity through the activities of civil societies inside and outside the EU. It will also look at the structures needed to support this process, and present insights of artists and NGOs from outside the EU.

Tłumaczenie: cała konferencja będzie tłumaczona na język polski i angielski
Interpreting: the entire conference will be interpreted into Polish and English
prosimy o kontakt z /please contact at:
moreeurope@austria.org.pl; 0048 22 526 88 00

19-go listopada Centrum Nauki Kopernik, ul. Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20, będzie otwarte od godziny 8:30
Doors open at the Copernicus Science Center, Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20 Str., at 8.30 am on 19 November

New OSCE PA President: Petros Efthymiou

Ruling PASOK party deputy Petros Efthymiou was elected as the new president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), during the forum’s 19th annual session.
Efthymiou, who was a Vice-President in the Assembly, was elected with 130 votes, against 64 of Senator Consiglio Di Nino (Canada).
Participants at the 19th session discussed a wide range of issues, amongst which the situation in Kyrgyzstan, the Parliamentary Assembly’s involvement in the Corfu process, the peace process in the Middle East, nuclear security, cyber-crime.

OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Alternate Defence Minister Panos Beglitis will inaugurate the OSCE’s Forum for Security Co-operation with an address at the Organisation’s headquarters in Vienna today.
Greece assumes the rotating chairmanship for the first four months of 2010.
The Forum constitutes the OSCE’s autonomous political and military body, and deals with issues of the so-called “tough security”, with its own Presidency, that alternates in alphabetical order every four months, as well with its own “Troika,” which functions in a coordinating manner.

OSCE Meeting begins

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Forty-five foreign ministers and 57 high-level delegations from the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) participating states have gathered in Athens to discuss the future of European security as the organisation’s 17th Ministerial Council begins today (1.12).
Representing the Greek OSCE Chairmanship, Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas, told journalists yesterday – at a reception held at the New Acropolis Museum – that the meeting comes at a critical moment, and underlined the importance of a co-operative approach to address European security’s challenges.
A video of the opening and closing sessions as well as the concluding conference, can be viewed here.

Hellenic Aid to the World

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)    Greece is a UN “Millennium Development Goals” contributor and grants $501million annually in foreign aid to third world countries, which amounts to 0.16% of its GNI (2007) thus ranking 21st  worldwide in Official Development Assistance (ODA), and aiming at the 2010 European Union target of 0.51%.  Within the new strategy launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aiming at achieving the Millennium Development Goals, Hellenic Aid (www.hellenicaid.gr) promotes humanitarian and food aid programmes provided by N.G.O.s and volunteerism, as well as co-operation among national N.G.O.’s taking action in developing countries. Developed countries (according to the 2007/2008 UN Human Development report, Greece ranks 24th out of 177 countries), nowadays, form a rather small minority within the international community. The developing world still constitutes the majority of the globe’s population, living under conditions of extreme poverty. espite the improvement of certain general living conditions as well as the increase of the global wealth and technological potential, this part of the world remains extremely vulnerable to diseases, natural disasters, and state authoritarianism. On November 26, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries have reaffirmed their commitments on aid to developing countries and undertaken to abstain from trade protectionism, as part of a concerted drive to shore up the world economy and combat recession. OCDE: Greece – Aid at a Glance Chart &  Updated [25 November 2008] Donor Aid Charts (2006-2007) & Official Development Assistance by Donor & Debt Relief is down: Other ODA rises slightly  Secretariat General of Information: About Brand Greece – Economic Diplomacy and International Development Aid