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Διάλεξη καθ. Νίκου Μαραντζίδη για τον ελληνικό εμφύλιο πόλεμο (Βαρσοβία, 5/3/2012)

 Το Γραφείο Τύπου της Ελληνικής Πρεσβείας Βαρσοβίας

 και το Τμήμα Ελληνικών Σπουδών του Ινστιτούτου Διεπιστημονικών Σπουδών “Artes Liberales” του Πανεπιστημίου Βαρσοβίας

 προσκαλούν στη διάλεξη του καθηγητή του Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας (Θεσσαλονίκη) Νίκου Μαραντζίδη
με θέμα

«Ο ελληνικός εμφύλιος πόλεμος – Εσωτερικές και διεθνείς διαστάσεις»

η οποία θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Τμήμα Ελληνικών Σπουδών (αίθουσα Παπαφιλίππου) οδός Krakowskie Przedmieście 1, 4ος όροφος

τη Δευτέρα 5 Μαρτίου 2012, ώρα 13.00-15.00 μμ.

 (H διάλεξη θα γίνει στην ελληνική γλώσσα)

Festiwal Jazz Na Starówce 2011 – Naxos Quintet

9 lipca, godz. 19.00 na Rynku Starego Miasta w Warszawie, w ramach festiwalu Jazz na Starówce zagra Naxos Quintet

– zespół gwiazd z przewagą grecko-polskich korzeni. Będzie to muzyczny koktajl współczesnego jazzu, zachodniej muzyki klasycznej oraz muzyki etnicznej regionu śródziemnomorskiego i północnej Afryki.
Więcej informacji na stronie festiwalu: www.jazznastarowce.pl

Skład zespołu:
Elektra Kurtis-Stewart – skrzypce
Milo Kurtis – pocket clarinet, djembe, instrumenty perkusyjne, wokal
Apostolis Anthimos – gitary, perkusja
Kostek Yoriadis – piano, synth, wokal
Michał Górczyński – klarnety, saksofony
Olo Walicki – kontrabas

Elektra Kurtis Stewart. Skrzypaczka i kompozytorka pochodzenia greckiego mieszkająca w Nowym Jorku. Prywatnie siostra Milo Kurtisa, jej wieloletni
partner życiowy to jazzowy gigant, tubista Bob Stewart. Liderka Ensemble Elektra występowała z tak wybitnymi artystami jak: Steve Coleman, Lester
Bowie, Gerry Mulligan, Paquito d’ Rivera, Lionel Hampton, Max Roach, Simon Shaheen oraz Israel “Cachao” Lopez. Współpracowała z kompozytorami muzyki
współczesnej, takimi jak Anthony Davis, John Zorn, Craig Harris twórczo kontynuując i rozwijając tradycje muzyki jazzowej i klasycznej.

Milo Kurtis. Perkusjonista, multiinstrumentalista, producent pochodzenia greckiego. Przez kilka lat przebywał w USA, skąd powrócił w 1996 roku.
Współzałożyciel zespołu Maanam, wspólnie Wojciechem Waglewskim współzałożyciel międzynarodowej grupy Ya -Sou, członek pierwszego składu
zespołu Voo Voo. Występował z Tomaszem Stańko, grupami Osjan, Brygada Kryzys, Virtual Jazz Reality. Obecnie lider i założyciel formacji Drum
Freaks oraz zespołu Naxos.

Anthimos Apostolis. Kompozytor, gitarzysta rockowy i jazzowy. Już jako 17 latek grał w grupie Czesława Niemena. Na festiwalu Jazz and Rock Now
otwierał Igrzyska Olimpijska w Monachium, gdzie wystąpił obok takich osobistości jak Charles Mingus, John McLaughlin i The Mahavishu Orchestra.
Gitarzysta zespołów: Dżem, Osjan, Krzak, SBB, Tomasza Stańko.

Kostek Joriadis. Polski muzyk greckiego pochodzenia. Klawiszowiec, trębacz, wokalista, producent. Legenda polskiej sceny muzycznej. Grał z takimi
zespołami jak: Maanam, Izraeal, Lady Punk, jako muzyk sesyjny z Kultem, Tiltem, De Mono. Z własnym zespołem Human nagrał wiele przebojów.

Michał Górczyński. Związany jest też ze sceną awangardy jazzowej i muzyki improwizowanej. Współpracował m.in. z holenderskim zespołem De Ereprijs,
Kwartludium, z orkiestrą Filharmonii Podlaskiej, Mikołajem Trzaską, Pawłem Szamburskim i Wacławem Zimplem (kwartet Ircha Pneumatic), Zdzisławem
Piernikiem, Joe McPhee, Djem Lenarem, Le Quan Ninhem, Fredericiem Blondy, zespolami Cukunft, Pink Freud, Zooplan.

Olo Walicki. Jeden z najciekawszych, wszechstronnych polskich kontrabasistów. Współpracował z Jerzym Mazzolem, Leszkiem Możdżerem, Adamem
Pierończykiem, twórcami yassowej sceny, Tymonem Tymańskim, Mikołajem Trzaską, Tomaszem Gwincińskim. Grał w Kwartecie Zbigniewa Namysłowskiego.
Współtworzył free-jazzowy Łoskot, popowo-alternatywną Szwagierkolaskę, grupę Oczi Cziorne oraz późny skład zespołu Miłości. Uczestniczył w nagraniu
kilkudziesięciu różnorodnych stylistycznie albumów oraz w nagraniach muzyki teatralnej i filmowej m.in. Zbigniewa Preisnera i własnej dla Ingmara

Ομιλία υπουργού Εξωτερικών Δημήτρη Δρούτσα στους προϊσταμένους των Γραφείων Τύπου Εξωτερικού

Ο Υπουργός Εξωτερικών Δημήτρης Δρούτσας ήταν εκ των ομιλητών στην ετήσια συνάντηση των Προϊσταμένων των Γραφείων Τύπου & Επικοινωνίας Εξωτερικού, που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Γενική Γραμματεία Επικοινωνίας – Γενική Γραμματεία Ενημέρωσης  στις 17 Ιανουαρίου 2011.
Ακολουθούν τα βασικά σημεία και το πλήρες κείμενο της ομιλίας του κ. Δρούτσα.
Βασικά σημεία:

  • Η κυβέρνησή μας από την πρώτη στιγμή που ανέλαβε, έδωσε τον τόνο της εξωτερικής πολιτικής που θα ασκήσει: έδειξε ότι θέλει και δεν φοβάται τις μεγάλες αλλαγές που είναι απαραίτητες και σε αυτόν τον τομέα. Τέλος λοιπόν στην αδράνεια που μόνο πιο απομονωμένους μας άφησε, τέλος στο συντηρητισμό χάριν δήθεν της διαφύλαξης των κεκτημένων, τέλος στις γνωστές φοβίες στα σύνδρομα του παρελθόντος που περιέβαλαν την εξωτερική πολιτική και την κρατούσαν εγκλωβισμένη. Ο κόσμος πήγε μπροστά κι εμείς κινδυνεύαμε να μείνουμε πίσω. Και όταν μας χτύπησε η οικονομική κρίση, φάνηκαν τα αδιέξοδα μίας εξωτερικής πολιτικής που δεν είχε εξασφαλίσει στη χώρα μας τουλάχιστον ένα απόθεμα αξιοπιστίας.
  • Σε ένα χρόνο, τολμώ να το πω, ήδη πετύχαμε πολλά. Κυρίως ανατρέψαμε ισορροπίες που είχαν διαμορφωθεί σε βάρος μας και, το σπουδαιότερο, δώσαμε πάλι φωνή και ρόλο στην Ελλάδα, ιδιαίτερα στον άμεσο περίγυρό της : στα Βαλκάνια, στον Εύξεινο Πόντο και τον Καύκασο, και στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, η Ελλάδα είναι πάλι παρούσα.
  • Στα Βαλκάνια, η πρωτοβουλία μας, η γνωστή πλέον σε όλους πρωτοβουλία μας για μία «Ατζέντα 2014», έχει δώσει νέα ώθηση στην ενταξιακή προοπτική των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων. Κυρίως, έχει ανοίξει τη συζήτηση για την προοπτική ολοκλήρωσης αυτής της διαδικασίας με τον προγραμματισμό της Συνόδου Κορυφής ΕΕ-Δυτικών Βαλκανίων, που θα πραγματοποιήσουμε κατά την επόμενη προεδρία μας στην ΕΕ το 2014.
  • Μιας και μιλάμε για τα Βαλκάνια, το Σκοπιανό, εδώ η θέση της Ελλάδας είναι ξεκάθαρη και γνωστή σε όλους από την αρχή. Θέλουμε να βοηθήσουμε τη γειτονική μας χώρα, θέλουμε να δούμε την ένταξή του και στην ΕΕ, και για αυτό το σκοπό εργαζόμαστε, και για άλλη μία φορά απευθύνουμε την έκκληση-πρόσκληση προς την πολιτική ηγεσία των Σκοπίων να εργαστεί μαζί μας ακριβώς σε αυτήν την κατεύθυνση και να έρθει και εκείνη με εποικοδομητικό τρόπο στο τραπέζι των διαπραγματεύσεων υπό την αιγίδα του ΟΗΕ.
  • Στον Οργανισμό Οικονομικής Συνεργασίας του Ευξείνου Πόντου, ασκήσαμε την περασμένη χρονιά, μία εξαιρετικά επιτυχημένη προεδρία που διάνοιξε νέες αναπτυξιακές προοπτικές, και τις συνέδεσε για πρώτη φορά μάλιστα με το περιβάλλον, με την πράσινη ανάπτυξη.
  • Στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο, χώρο ζωτικού μας συμφέροντος, έχουμε ανοίξει, αν θέλετε, το παιχνίδι. Οι διευρυμένες σχέσεις μας με το Ισραήλ, αλλά και η ανανέωση των σχέσεών μας με τον αραβικό κόσμο, για να το τονίσω αυτό, παραδοσιακών σχέσεων αλληλοσεβασμού και αμοιβαίας εμπιστοσύνης με βαθιές ρίζες. Όλα αυτά έχουν δημιουργήσει μία νέα δυναμική και σε αυτήν την περιοχή και έχουν δώσει στην Ελλάδα ένα αυξημένο ρόλο, τον οποίο αναγνωρίζουν όλοι.
  • Κυπριακό – και εδώ οι θέσεις μας καθαρές: λύση βάσει των αποφάσεων του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας του ΟΗΕ με πλήρη σεβασμό στο ευρωπαϊκό κεκτημένο. Μην ξεχνάμε, η Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία είναι πλήρες κράτος-μέλος της ΕΕ και αυτό μία μεγάλη επιτυχία και της ελληνικής εξωτερικής πολιτικής στο παρελθόν.
  • Η Ελλάδα, ένας από τους πιο συνεπείς υποστηρικτές της ένταξης της Τουρκίας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, δε θα ανεχθεί μία εικονική ενταξιακή διαδικασία, στην οποία η Τουρκία θα παίρνει σιγά-σιγά από την ΕΕ ό,τι θέλει, χωρίς όμως την εκπλήρωση των υποχρεώσεών της απέναντι στην ΕΕ και απέναντι σε κάθε κράτος-μέλος της ΕΕ. Ειδικά ως προς αυτό, προτείναμε και συζητούμε με τους εταίρους μας μία ιδέα, μία νέα ελληνική πρόταση, την ιδέα σύγκλησης μίας Συνόδου, ενδεχομένως ακόμα και σε επίπεδο κορυφής, γιατί όχι, που θα ανανεώσει την αμοιβαία δέσμευση για πλήρη συμμόρφωση της Τουρκίας με το κοινοτικό κεκτημένο, έναντι της πλήρους ένταξης.
  • Η ιδέα, η πρόταση είναι για μία σύνοδο για την Τουρκία, το θέμα της Τουρκίας και των σχέσεων της Τουρκίας με την ΕΕ, για το θέμα της ενταξιακής ευρωπαϊκής πορείας της Τουρκίας και όχι για να δώσουμε στην Τουρκία, μέσω αυτής της Συνόδου, μία αναβαθμισμένη, αν θέλετε, θεσμική ιδιότητα στην Τουρκία, όπως κάποιοι κακοβούλως θέλουν να παρουσιάσουν.
  • Όταν η Ελλάδα γίνεται πρωτοσέλιδο σε μεγάλα ΜΜΕ δεν είναι δυνατόν να απουσιάζει η ελληνική φωνή. Εγώ είμαι από αυτούς που πιστεύουν ότι ακόμη και η ατυχέστερη συγκυρία μπορεί να μετατραπεί ακόμα και σε ευκαιρία, αν τη χειριστούμε σωστά. Μην κλεινόμαστε στο καβούκι μας, λοιπόν. Εμείς από την Αθήνα θα σας υποστηρίξουμε, τουλάχιστον θα το προσπαθήσουμε αυτό με τον καλύτερο δυνατό τρόπο.
  • Πρέπει να το πάρουμε απόφαση όλοι μας ότι ερχόμαστε από μία χώρα συγκριτικά, ίσως, μικρή, όμως σημαντική, που δικαιολογημένα καταλαμβάνει πολύ περισσότερο χώρο στα διεθνή ΜΜΕ από ό,τι αναλογεί στο μέγεθός της. Για καλό, όπως π.χ. με τους πρόσφατους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες στην Αθήνα, ή δυστυχώς και για κακό, όπως σήμερα με την κρίση. Η φωνή σας, λοιπόν, έχει δύναμη και ο κόσμος περιμένει να την ακούσει.
    Διαβάστε το πλήρες κείμενο της ομιλίας
    (Πηγή: Forum Διεθνούς Επικοινωνιακής Πολιτικής icp-forum.gr)

Karaghiozis: “Inextricable part of Greek Culture”

Greece is planning to press its claims to Karaghiozis, a shadow puppet theatre character that UNESCO has deemed to be part of Turkey’s cultural heritage.
“Karaghiozis is an extricable part of our culture,” Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson said, adding that UNESCO allows neighbouring countries to access the same commodity when it comes to intangible cultural heritage.
The issue has prompted an announcement by the Ministry of Culture, according to which, “it is commonly known and undoubted that shadow theatre refers to a cultural tradition which surpasses boundaries and spans through the Balkans, and the broader East, long time before the emergence of contemporary states.

Concerning the Greek version of Karaghiozis, it represents a vivid chapter of Modern Greek culture, which defends traditional values broadly cherished by the Greek people.”

Museum of Shadow Theatre: Museum of Shadow Theatre & Greek Shadow Theatre Group Athanasiou: Karaghiozis-History
You Tube: Karagiozis & Athens Plus (16.7.2010): Greece to stake its claim to Karagiozis show

PM George Papandreou at Economist Conference

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Addressing an Economist Conference on the 28th April in Athens, Prime Minister George Papandreou stressed that “we should not let a small spark become a threat for the eurozone.”
[…] “The markets do not always function rationally and tend to evaluate the situation according to the worst possible scenario and not the most probable,” added Papandreou, underlining the government’s political will to proceed with deep and structural changes.
Focusing on foreign policy, Papandreou reiterated his proposal on the accession of the Western Balkans to the European Union by 2014.
Greek News Agenda: Economist Gov’t Roundtable

7th Thessaloniki International Book Fair

The National Book Centre of Greece (EKEBI) and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in collaboration with HELEXPO and the Hellenic Federation of Publishers and Booksellers are organising the 7th Thessaloniki International Book Fair (TIBF) from April 22 to 25, with “Antiquity and Us” as this year’s theme.
TIBF is the leading cultural event for books in Greece which has managed over the years to become a focal point for the book world in Greece and the wider Balkan and Mediterranean region.
Thirty countries will be represented in this year’s fair which features more than 100 events: Greek and foreign authors as guest speakers, special features, seminars and workshops.
China will be the country of honour. Over 200 Chinese (publishers, authors, artists, government representatives) will be in Thessaloniki to present China’s immense book market but also a country with a rich tradition and history.
Greek News Agenda (30.5.2008) – Special Issue: Thessaloniki – City of Culture

PM George Papandreou at the White House

» Meeting with Obama

Prime Minister George Papandreou met with US President Barack Obama in Washington yesterday.
After the meeting Papandreou said that the US is willing to work with the European Union to regulate the international financial system so speculators cannot target countries with troubled economies.
The premier said  that the issue of speculation will be discussed at the G20 summit in Canada, in June. The two leaders also discussed foreign policy issues such as the Cyprus issue, the integration of Western Balkans into Euro-Atlantic institutions, as well as Greece’s relations with Turkey.

» Visa Waiver

Furthermore, the US side announced that Greece will be included in the ‘visa waiver’ programme, thus enabling Greek citizens to travel to the US without a visa.
Papandreou termed the visa waiver “a vote of confidence” to Greece and noted that the Greek government is determined to respond to its obligations and cooperate closely at international level on the tackling of terrorism.

Kathimerini daily: US joins fight against speculators
The White House: Honouring Greek Independence Day (21.35mins)

» Papandreou’s Op-ed

In an op-ed published in the International Herald Tribune (IHT), Papandreou notes that the Greek case is not an outlier, but one more flare-up in a broken system of financial regulation and predatory behaviour.
“If global economic growth is to be sustainable, we need better coordination and greater solidarity between nations… We must now establish and enforce clear rules to contain the inordinate power of markets over our national economies and our common currency – not for Greece’s sake, but for Europe’s,” he stresses.
Prime Minister’s website: Meeting with President Barack Obama: Prime Minister’s statement ; Brookings Institution: Prime Minister’s speech & YouTube: PM’s speech at Brookings Institution  
New York Times & International Herald Tribune: Prime Minister’s article “Greece is not an island“; Hellenic Finance Ministry: Newsletter Updating Greek Fiscal Measures  

PM Papandreou meeting with French President Sarkozy

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Prime Minister George Papandreou flew to France yesterday, for talks with French President Nicolas Sarkozy – on an array of issues, focused mostly on economic matters – ahead of today’s European Council meeting.
After his meeting with the French president, Papandreou stated that the Greek government is committed to taking all necessary measures to fix Greece’s public finances.
 “We are ready to take any measures in order to cut public deficit to 8.7% of GDP in 2010 from 12.7% in 2009 and to meet the commitments the government has undertaken in its Stability and Growth Programme.”
Besides the pressing deficit and credit crisis burdening Greece, Papandreou said issues dealing with the Balkans, the Cyprus problem, climate change and even Europe’s position on the international stage were discussed.
Kathimerini daily: Premier talks tough but EU may offer help; Youtube.com: Greek prime minister in France for debt talks

Prime Minister`s Belgrade Visit

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Prime Minister George Papandreou paid a short visit to Belgrade on January 4 to address the Annual Conference of the Ambassadors of Serbia. During his visit, the premier met with Serbia’s President and Prime Minister, Boris Tadic and Mirko Cvetkovic.

Speaking after his meeting with the Serb President, Papandreou said that bilateral relations are excellent and noted that his presence in Belgrade signals the beginning of an effort to enable the western Balkans to join the European Union in 2014.
“Greece is in the front line of the initiative that constitutes a basic aim for peace, cooperation, and stability in the region,” Papandreou said. 
Addressing the 3rd Congress of Serbia’s ambassadors, Papandreou said that 2014 is a crucial year for the EU accession of the Western Balkan states, stressing that this region has to make big steps forward and leave behind the wars and conflicts of the past.
The premier also referred to “global governance that is in the making,” stressing, among other things, that “national states are gradually becoming incapable of handling global problems by themselves, such as climatic change, immigration and organised crime,” and called for global cooperation and regional alliances. 
See also: Athens News Agency: PM reiterates support for Serbia’s EU course

“Greek Foreign Policy: Challenges and Prospects”

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Addressing the conference “Greek Foreign Policy: Challenges and Prospects” held yesterday on the premises of the Foreign Affairs Ministry,  Deputy Foreign Minister Spyros Kouvelis referred to Greece’s foreign policy priorities centering on economic diplomacy, relations with Greeks abroad and green development.

Kouvelis stressed that the Balkans, the wider Black Sea region and that of Eastern Mediterranean is of particular interest to Greece.
He therefore took the opportunity to refer to the country’s upcoming Chairmanship in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC, June 1 to December 31, 2010),  forwarding the message that, in its capacity, Greece is committed to strengthen the organisation’s role with respect to its member-states and the region’s economic development.
Finally, on green development, Kouvelis emphasised Greece’s need to live up to the challenges of the new situation taking shape globally. The conference was organised by the Institute of International Relations, an Athens-based think tank affiliated with Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences.

The OSCE on a new path

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Political Declaration Adopted

Foreign ministers from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) 56 participating states charted the way ahead for the OSCE-anchored debate on the future of European security known as the Corfu Process in a decision and a Ministerial Declaration adopted yesterday after a two-day Ministerial Council held in Athens (December 1-2).
“The Corfu Process will be taken forward by our Permanent Representatives to the OSCE in Vienna, in accordance with the decision we are adopting today.
We remain committed to provide strong political impetus to the Corfu Process, and we are looking forward to reassessing its progress in 2010, in the format and level that we will deem appropriate, taking into consideration the results we achieve,” it is stated in the Declaration, which is the first to be adopted since 2002.
Athens Ministerial Council (dedicated webpage)

» Turning a New Page

Commenting on the Ministerial Council at a press conference, held at the end of the meeting, Greek Prime Minister and Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman-in-Office George Papandreou referred to a new page in the Organisation’s history.
“We have committed ourselves in a joint document on how to face common challenges,” he said noting that, Kazakhstan’s task -which is assuming the Presidency of the OSCE for the next year-, is difficult.
But as the Greek premier stressed, “we proved today that if we want we can. The process can revive political dialogue and the tangible result was consensus.”


» Meeting with Russian FM

The strategic nature of Greek-Russian relations and their excellent level was reaffirmed during a meeting in Athens on Wednesday between Prime Minister George Papandreou and visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, held on the sidelines of the OSCE Council in Athens.Papandreou accepted a formal invitation to visit Moscow in early 2010.

Papandreou and Lavrov discussed bilateral relations in all sectors, ranging from energy to culture and from regional cooperation to relations with the EU and NATO, and signed a 2010-2012 joint action plan to be renewed every two years.

» Meeting with Turkish FM

Prime Minister George Papandreou also met with visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, with both sides citing closer cooperation in all levels.
The potential for the adoption of practical measures to boost cooperation of the foreign ministers of Greece and Turkey in 2010 was also discussed at the meeting. Davutoglu spoke positively of Greece’s target for the EU integration of the western Balkans in 2014, and he confirmed Turkey’s intent for closer bilateral cooperation.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Bilateral Relations Greece- Turkey

Informal Dinner in Madrid / Western Balkans


Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA) Ahead of Spain’s assumption of the EU presidency, Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas attended an informal dinner of EU foreign ministers, hosted by their Spanish counterpart in Madrid. This was an initial meeting to discuss the priorities of the Spanish Presidency, during which Droutsas had the opportunity to set forth Greece’s proposal for the inclusion in the EU of the Western Balkans, with the target-date of 2014.

Greece / Evros: A Hidden Paradise

birdsevros(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)  The Evros prefecture – located in Greece’s north-eastern corner – is one of the country’s largest districts. It is known for its wealth of natural, environmental and historical attractions. Alexandroupoli, the port capital of the prefecture serves as the tourist gateway to the area. The bustling city takes its name from King Alexander of Greece and has the country’s biggest landmark lighthouse on the seaside promenade. Remarkable attractions of the district include the Evros river delta, an important international wetland, and the Dadia Forest, a sanctuary for rare and unique birds of prey in Europe. Soufli is known as the town of silk, thanks to the silk industry that flourished there in the 19th century. The Soufli Silk Museum displays exhibits related to the production of silk and also offers the opportunityto gain insight into the history of the town. Athens Plus: Evros, Life on the river’s edge (20.02.2009, p. 42) 

Greek Deputy Foreign Minister Valinakis at Olive Group

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)     yannis-valinakisDeputy Foreign Minister Yannis Valinakis on Tuesday underlined the need for more effective EU policies in the Mediterranean region, pointing out that it was equally important to bring a Mediterranean dimension into European integration. Attending the 6th Informal Meeting of the EU Mediterranean countries “Olive Group” that took place in Taormina, Sicily (15-16.12), the minister stated that the meeting focused on migration issues in the western Balkans and EU enlargement. He underlined there should be a “Mediterranean neighbourhood” to face the problems together and join forces to create opportunities that “will protect us during a crisis and at the same time produce long-term benefits.” The Olive group consists of Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Slovenia. Greek News Agenda: The Olive Group; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus: 5th Informal Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Mediterranean EU Member-States, Concluding Remarks 

Official Visit of Greek Prime Minister to the United Kingdom

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)    Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis concluded an official visit to the United Kingdom yesterday (October 20-21). The premier was accompanied by Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis. Within the two-day visit, the Greek leadership met with Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, David Miliband.  Speaking to the press, Karamanlis announced that the financial crisis topped the agenda in the discussions he held with his counterpart. He highlighted Brown’s fruitful contribution to the amendment of the situation at a European level, however, he clarified that Greece will first seek to protect the most vulnerable social strata against the repercussions of the turmoil.  Other topics included the future of the European Union, mainly the Lisbon Treaty, but also the bilateral relations of the two countries with particular emphasis on the situation in the Balkans and Cyprus. With regard to bilateral relations, Karamanlis reiterated Greece’s claim of the Parthenon marbles and their return to the New Acropolis Museum.  Yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Karamanlis held talks with main opposition’s conservative party leader, David Cameron.  Athens News Agency: Karamanlis discusses global crisis with Brown; Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Greece-United Kingdom bilateral relations 

Economic Cooperation Greece – Serbia

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)      Ushering a new period of economic cooperation between Greece and Serbia, Foreign Affairs and Economy and Finance Ministries have agreed that Greece should contribute to the financing of the “Corridor 10” (as part of the Pan European Corridors) linking Thessaloniki to Belgrade and Salzburg. The estimated cost of the Corridor’s part in Serbia is €475 million, and Greece’s participation amounts to €100 million. The visit’s itinerary included a business meeting hosted by the Greek Serbian Business Council on October 9, during which, Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Petros Doukas noted that Greek investments in Serbia have exceeded €2.5 billion to date and that more than 27,000 Serbians are employed in Greek enterprises. The project for Greece’s participation in the Corridor 10’s construction is financed by the Hellenic Plan for the Economic Reconstruction of the Balkans (HiPERB). European Economic and Social Committee: Pan European Corridors (2003); Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Greece-Serbia Bilateral Relations (Economic and trade relations/development cooperation) & Economic Diplomacy

Greek Think Tanks

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)   Particular concerns of Greek think tanks include European issues and policies, as well as relations with Turkey, the Balkans and the East Mediterranean. The main Greek political parties have established research institutes, and there are some advocacy think tanks propagating free market, social democracy, and civil society development although most of the Greek think tanks are academic-style policy research institutes with nonpartisan orientation. Most of the Greek Think Tanks can be accessed through the web. A comprehensive list of their websites is offered at Secretariat General of Information “Greece – Links Library”: Greece – Links Library – Major Think Tanks
                                                             Recent Reports         
Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy: Conceptualizing a Differentiated Europe; Institute of International Relations: Middle East Bulletin -“60 years of Israel”; International Centre for Black Sea Studies Policy Brief: The European Union and the Black Sea Region: The New Eastern Frontiers and Europeanisation; Re-public, Re-imagining Democracy: Towards a critique of the social web; The Fletcher School: Karamanlis Chair Working Papers in Hellenic and European Studies; London School of Economics – Hellenic Observatory: GreeSE (Greece and Southeast Europe) Papers

Seminar on Western Balkans in Greece

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)  The Institute of International Relations of Athens Panteion University, in cooperation with the Hellenic Observatory of the London School of Economics and the Centre of Southeast European Studies of the University of Oxford is organising from July 3 to 5, its international summer seminar entitled “The Integration of Western Balkans into the Euro-atlantic structures” at Hydra island. Over 240 students, many prominent politicians, academics and experts in the field of international relations, politics, and economics, as well as senior diplomats and journalists have participated in the Seminar since its establishment (1992), representing over 30 countries. Institute of International Relations: Announcement for the Hydra and Spetses International Seminar 2008

Greece: Waking the Dragon

(GREEK NEWS AGENDA)   President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias arrived in Beijing on Sunday, for a five-day visit to China. Papoulias, who has already met with President Hu Jintao and the premier Wen Jiambao, commented on China’s “tremendous economic and political role” and was very satisfied to see bilateral relations reaching “the highest levels of cordiality and friendship”. Bilateral agreements focused on matters of justice, foreign aid cooperation, tourism, culture, international affairs such as climate change, as well as on educational issues.  Continue reading

Greece: Karamanlis’ Balkan Vision

Addressing the summit meeting of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis stated that he was in favour of the incorporation of all SEECP members into the Euroatlantic structures, including the Former Republic of Macedonia. Within the framework of the SEECP process – an institution destined to enhance cooperation between Southeast European members – Karamanlis clarified that Greece seeks a win-win solution that would accommodate the demands of both countries and would benefit the entire region.   Continue reading